Mon 01 Jul 2024 05:04:19 PM CDT : 1719871459
Last day of pride?
That was in
New York
but could have been anywhere there are enough for a crowd. Some pictures are worth a book. I don't know if there's a body count for pridemonth like for juneteenth.
It's a holiday week so there will probably be more fun before it's over.
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Fresno police chief resigns following scandal over
inappropriate relationship
Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama served as the city's top cop for nearly four years
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H) hypcryme
Just Now
Balderrama made history as the first Latino appointed to the role of chief of police for the city of Fresno.
That's the important thing. Now they can get on with the first woman (however they define that), the first
black, the first homosexual, the first black woman, first transgender of any color, first black
transgender...did | miss anything?
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F FoShizzle.Yo!
5 minutes ago
Well, ifn he was in Fulton County one of them woulda had to quit the affair!
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2) 3speed
5 minutes ago
Paco been laying side pipe for years, he just now got caught.
Reply iy GP - Share
H hmelton
5 minutes ago
_uthose little fur patches are expensive, huh?
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