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Wed 07 Aug 2024 11:25:30 AM CDT : 1723047930


Gaze for just a bit if you can stand it upon the images. The long jaw seems to confirm there is some of the alleged ancestry. It isn't universal among the race so having it show up in a specimen with only a small amount is interesting. OK, enough of that One of the funniest remarks I've heard is that Cackles is now "burdened by another white has been". Why she was told to choose the Tyrant of Minnesota is generally believed to be a a) avoiding disapproval of Jew-hating populations in critical states and b) the hatred of Democrats for Jews (and other racial/ethnic) groups as a matter of policy.

Google and the other manipulators are frantically trying to save the regime. Whether it will be successful remains to be seen. I would feel better if the economy fell through completely and a few other debacles occurred before November just to be safe but what it will take to wake up enough people... don't ask me. I'm prepared for the worst.

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Putin hit man seen as Russia's big prize in prison swap: 'High-value asset' Krasikov to likely train would-be assassins for future operations, making them even more lethal: Russia expert ee 18 People typing 4 View 32 new comments H hypcryme Just Now In the best cases (Republican presidents like Reagan, maybe Bush 43, Trump) you can break even on a deal with the Russians. With Bubba, Ovomit or Joetard the Russians make out like bandits. They get high-value intel operatives, assassins, arms traffickers and we get lesbian druggie basketball players and dodgy reporters. Reply © iy GP - Share akon 4 minutes ago Interesting trade by the incompetent United States government and Russia a prisoner swap right before the 2024 November elections 27? Reply © iy GP - Share HiroKawasaki2, 3 minutes ago Apparently, even Putin doesn't want to see the former loser back in the WH. Reply © iy GP - Share patches61. 1 minute ago Had to do it now before he completely looses it. Reply © iy GP - Share
Jawbreaker 57 minutes ago Hard to say whether it was Jew-hating or fear of the muslim voting bloc. The muslims will vote for a democrat anyway and Shapiro wouldn't have changed that much. But that little bit could be critical so it's there. But Jewish, black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever they will cheerfully pander to them, even let them be elected governors and congress-critters. And a black president was allowed when it proved useful. But a Jew? Never. So I believe Jew-hatred was the primary factor, even if it loses them Pennsylvania. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply +6 (+

Last updated: Wed 07 Aug 2024 11:24:30 AM CDT : 1723047870
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